Further Reading
Primary Sources
Dupont, E (ed.), Anchiennes Chroniques d’Angleterre par Jeham de Wavrin, 3 Vols (Paris : Societe de l’Histoire de France 1858-1863)
Harvey, J.H. (ed), Itineraries [of] William Worcestre (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989) (complied 177–80, first published 1544).
Phillips, ‘Extracts from the Phillips Relation’ in Gairdner, J (ed.) The Paston Letters 1422–1509 (Westminster: Constable & Co, 1895)
‘Rotuli Parliamentorum’ in Alec R. Meyers, English Historical Documents 1327–1485 Vol IV (London: Routledge, 1967)
Stow, J, ‘The Stow Relation: The Stonor Variant’, in Gairdner, J (ed.) The Paston Letters 1422–1509 (Westminster: Constable & Co, 1895)
Stow, J ‘The Stow Relation: The Vale Variant’, in Kekewich et al. The Politics of Fifteenth Century England: John Vale’s Book (Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd, 1995).
‘The Dijon Relation (Archives de la Citie de la Cote d’Or B.11942 no.258, Dijon) in C. A. J. Armstrong, ‘Politics and the Battle of St Albans, 1455’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research XXXIII (1960) and in J.R. Lander, The Wars of the Roses (Stroud: Sutton Publishing Ltd, 1987)
Secondary Sources
Armstrong, C. A. J, ‘Politics and the Battle of St Albans, 1455’, in Bulletin of the Institute of Historical research XXXIII (1960
Burley, Peter, Elliott, Michael, and Watson, Harvey, The Battles of St Albans (Barnsley: Pen & Sword Books Ltd, 2007)
Lander, J.R., The Wars of the Roses (Stroud: Sutton Publishing Ltd, 1987)