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What is the Battlefields Hub
What is the Battlefields Hub
The information provided here will help you to explore our battlefields through books, maps and original documents or on the ground. From the earliest of our accurately located battlefields, at Maldon (Essex, 991), right through to Sedgemoor (Somerset, 1685), which was the last battle to be fought on English soil, there is a wealth of information to be found in these pages.
Discover when and where armies challenged invading forces, as at Hastings (Sussex, 1066) or Flodden (Northumberland, 1513), as well as the many times when our countrymen fought one another in various bloody civil wars. At battlefields like Bosworth (Leicestershire, 1485) and Naseby (Northamptonshire, 1645) you can see where some of the most famous, or infamous, characters in our history, like Oliver Cromwell or Richard III played for the highest stakes.
There are hundreds of battlefields and other fields of conflict scattered across the UK. Whilst not all can be covered in depth on these pages, the Resource Centre aims to exploit some of the unique opportunities offered by the internet to provide a wide range of new material on these battlefields which the Trust hopes will prove of value to a wide range of users.
For the featured sites there are resources ranging from transcripts of contemporary accounts through to modern analysis of the battles and suggestions on further reading. You will also find battlefield trails with accompanying maps to assist you in visiting the battlefields themselves, so that you too can experience the feel of the place and make up you own mind as to exactly where and how the events unfolded. Armed with this information, put yourself in the place of a commander or a common soldier on that fateful day when great armies clashed to decide the future course of our history.