Further reading

· British Library (BL)/WING S3921A, Anon, Severall Victories Obtained by Major-Generall Browne, Lieutenant-Generall Cromwell, and Col. Fines. Published According to Order, (London: 1645)

· BL Thomason Tracts (TT) E.279[7]], Anon, Abstract of a letter from Lieutenant-Generall Cromwell to Sir Thomas Fairfax, Commander in chiefe of the Forces raised for the defence of the Kingdome, April 26. 1645, (London: Old Baily, 1645)

· BL TT E.278[31], Anon, The Scotish Dove, Numb.79 From Friday the 18 of April, till Friday the 25 of April, 1645. (London: 1645)

· BL TT E.281[10], Anon, The Scotish Dove, Numb.80 From Friday the 25 of April, till Friday the 2 of May, 1645. (London, 1645)

· BL TT E.260[24], Anon, A Perfect Diurnall of some passages in Parliament, Numb.91 From Monday the 21. Of April, till Mund, the 28. Of April 1645., (London: 1645)

· BL TT E.260[22], Anon, Perfect Occurrences of Parliament, The 17th Week From Friday the 18th April, till Friday the 25. Of the same 1645. (London: 1645)

· BL TT E.260[27], Anon, Perfect Occurrences Of Parliament, The 18th Week From Friday the 25. Of April, till Friday the 2 May, 1645. (London: 1645)

· BL TT E.278[30], Anon, Mecurius Civicus, Londons Intelligencer Numb. 100 From Thursday April 17. To Thursday April 24, 1645, (London: 1645)

· BL TT E.281[4], Anon, Mecurius Civicus, Londons Intelligencer Numb. 101 From Thursday April 24. To Thursday May 1, 1645, (London: 1645)

· BL TT E.260[25], Anon, Perfect Passages of Each Dayes Proceedings In Parliament, Numb.27. From Wednesday, Aprill 23. To Tuesday, Aprill 29. 1645, (London: 1645)

· BL TT E.260[23], Anon, A Perfect Declaration of the Proceedings in Parliament, and True Information from the Armies No.1, , (London: 1645).

· (BL TT E.279[9], Anon, Mecurius Britanicus, Communicating the affaires of great Britaine for the better Information of the People, Numb.80, From Monday the 21. Of April, to Monday the 28. Of April. 1645., (London: 1645).

· (BL TT E.279[12], Anon, The Weekly Account, The XVII Week, From Wednesday the 23. April, to Tuesday the 29. of the same, (London: 1645). ·

· Barratt, John, Cavalier Capital, Oxford in the English Civil War 1642-46, (Solihull: Helion & Company, 2015)

· Carlyle,Thomas, Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Volume I, (London: Chapman and Hall Ltd , 1903)

· Carlyle, Thomas Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Volume IV, (London: Chapman and Hall Ltd , 1903)

· Islip History Group, Islip: Past, Present and Future (Oxfordshire: Cameron Grant Associates, , 2007)

· Jones, Serena, No Armour but Courage, Sir George Lisle, 1615-1648, (Solihull: Helion & Company, 2016)

· ’Mercurius Aulicus; Communicating the Intelligence and affaires of the Court, to the rest of the kingdome', in Jeffs, Robin et al (eds.) The English Revolution III, Newsbooks I, Oxford Royalist, Volume 4. (London: Cornmarket Press, 1971)

· Ludlow, Edmund, Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow Esq; Lieutenant General of the horse, Commander in Chief of the Forces in Ireland, One of the Council of State, and a Member of the Parliament which began on November 3, 1640, VOL.I, (Bern: Switzerland, 1698)

· Ogilby, John, Ogilby's Road Maps of England and Wales from Ogilby's Britannia, 1675 (Facsimile Edition, Reading, Osprey Publishing, 1971. Online resource, URL: https: //www.fulltable.com/vts/m/map/ogilby/b/SH950.jpg.

· Sprigge, Joshua, Anglia Rediviva; England's Recovery (Printed for John Partridge, (London, 1647)

· Symonds, Richard, Diary of the Marches of the Royal Army (Ed. C.E. Long & Ian Roy), (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997)


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