Further Reading
Primary Accounts
Anonymous, The moderate intelligencer, Issue 55, (London; 164[5]6), British Library Thomason Tracts (BL TT) E.329[14]
Anonymous, A perfect diurnal of some passages in parliament 23–30 March 1646, (London: 1646), BL TT E.506[20]
Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 60, f.560r
Hall, James (ed.), Memorials of the Civil War in Cheshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Records Society Vol XIX (Lancashire and Cheshire Records Society, 1889)
Hamilton, W.D. (ed.) Calendar of State Papers Domestic 1645–1647, (London: HMSO, 1891)
House of Lords Journal (LJ) Vol 8, (London, HMSO, 1767–1830)
Morgan, Thomas, Colonel Morgan’s Letter, (London: Edward Husbands, 1645[6]), BL TT, E.329[7],
R.S, A True and fuller relation of the Battell fought at Stowe on the Would, (London: Thomas Underhill, 1646)
Vicars, John, England’s parliamentary chronicle, (London: J Rothwell & Thomas Underhill, 1646), BL TT E.348[1]
Walker, Sir Edward Walker, Historical Discourses, (London: Sam Keble, 1705)
Webb, Rev T.W. (ed.), Military memoir of Colonel John Birch, (Hereford: Golden Valley Publications, 2004),
Secondary Reading
Barratt, John, The Last Battle, (Warwick: Helion and Co Ltd, 2017)
Field, Ron Stow on the Wold, 1646, (Design Folio: 1992)
Marsh, Simon & Wilson, Sam, Locating the battle of Stow–on–the–Wold (1646), (Battlefields Trust: 2023) https://www.battlefieldstrust.com/media/837.pdf
Partida, Tracey, Stow-on-the-Wold Battlefield, Landscape (Battlefields Trust, 2023) https://www.battlefieldstrust.com/media/836.pdf