
  • Baker, Anthony, 1986, A Battlefield Atlas of the English Civil War, 13-15
    Useful, very brief summary of the battle; a battle plan showing details of the troops deployed against a background of the modern road pattern, broadly similar to Young 1976.
  • Barrett, C R B, 1896, Battle & Battlefields in England, 248-260
    - short account of the battle; no plan.
  • Bennett, Martyn, 1990, Traveller's Guide to the Battlefields of the English Civil War
    Brief account. Detailed battle plan based on Young, 1967.
  • Burne, Alfred H & Young, Peter, 1998, The Great Civil War: A Military History
    First published in 1959 this is a reasonable short account of the campaign and the battle but it lacks the benefit of the research for Young 1976. The plan is as in Burne 1956. Now overtaken by Roberts & Tincey as the best short account of the battle.
  • Burne, Alfred H, 1996, The Battlefields of England, book 1, 186-200
    First published in 1950. The only book with a substantial discussion of the terrain but much of the detail is questionable. Plan showing initial deployments of both armies, but especially the royalist, further forward than Young, 1976. The whole action seems compressed in a small depth, with artillery positioned very far forward close to the main battalia. Provides a second plan showing initial engagement position and approximate location of traditional grave sites. Both are somewhat inaccurate sketch plans making accurate transcription difficult.
  • Chandler, David, (ed.), 1998, A Guide to the Battlefields of Europe
    Very short summary; no plan.
  • Clarke, David, 1993, Battlefield Walks: Midlands
    Brief account. Very poor plan.
  • Daniell, David Scott, 1961, Battles and Battlefields
    Brief account of the battle.
  • Davies, Godfrey, article in English Historical Review, 1921
    A good brief account but now outdated.
  • Dodds, Glen Lyndon, 1996, Battles in Britain, 117-118
    Brief account of the battle; no plan.
  • Dix, Peter, The Ghosts of Edgehill, Leamington Spa, Peter Dix Press, 1992, 4p
  • Evans, H A, Highways and Byways in Oxford and the Cotswolds, 1938
  • Green, Howard, 1973, Guide to the Battlefields of Britain and Ireland
    Brief summary of battle; basic battle plan.
  • Guest, Ken & Denise, 1997, British Battles: The Front Lines of History in England, 96-101
    Based on the English Heritage Battlefield Register report for Edgehill. It provides no significant additional insights. Plan with simplified deployments against modern road and contour background but it does show the Registered Battlefield boundary.
  • Kinross, John, 1988, Walking & Exploring The Battlefields of Britain
    Very brief summary of battle; basic plan of deployments broadly similar to Burne, 1996, 195.
  • Kinross, John, 1989, Discovering Battlefields of England
    Very short summary; very simple plan broadly similar to Burne, 1996, 195.
  • Marix Evans, Martin, 1998, The Military Heritage of Britain & Ireland
    Brief account of the battle. Poor battle plan.
  • Newman, Peter, 1985, Atlas of the English Civil War, 22-23
    Brief account of battle. Poor battle plan.
  • Peachey, Stuart, The Edgehill campaign & the letters of Nehemiah Wharton, Leigh-on-Sea, Partizan Press, 1989
  • Roberts, Keith and  Tincey, John, Edgehill 1642 : first battle of the English Civil War, Oxford : Osprey Military, 2001, 96p
    The most recent, best illustrated and by far the most accessible account of the battle. The absence of large scale modern or historic mapping showing the deployments and action is the major omission. An ideal complement to Young, 1976.
  • Rogers, HCB, 1968, Battles & Generals of the Civil Wars 1642-1651, Seely Service & Co Ltd, London, 42-56
    A short account of the battle, predating Young, with no significant insights into the battle. Several photographs of the Edgehill landscape. A poor plan (plate 3), on an Ordnance Survey 1 inch scale map base, which shows an unusual deployment with frontages of more than 2.5 miles, based on his idiosyncratic interpretation of 17th century battle deployments.
  • Ross, W.G., article in English Historical Review, 1887
    One of the earliest significant secondary accounts of the battle though now outdated.
  • Sanford, John Langton, Studies and illustrations of the Great Rebellion, London, J.W. Parker and Son, 1858; p.520-6
  • Seymour, William, 1979, Battles in Britain and their political background
    Short account of the battle first published in 1975 and so without benefit of Young, 1976. Battle plan similar but not identical to Young; deployment superimposed on oblique aerial photo gives an interesting perspective but unfortunately on a different orientation t the accompanying plan and, at least in later editions, poorly reproduced.
  • Sherwood, R E, Civil Strife in the Midlands1642-1651, 1974, Phillimore, London, 33-41.
    Summary drawing upon Young, 1967 and original sources. p.40 – ghost stories starting in 1643.
  • Smurthwaite, David, 1993, The Complete Guide to the Battlefields of Britain
    Good summary; battle plan on 1:50,000 OS map base, similar to Young, 1967.
  • Tennant P. E, Edgehill and beyond : the people's war in the South Midlands, 1642-1645, Stroud, Alan Sutton in association with the Banbury Historical Society, 1992, 49-73
    No plan. An account of the campaign which draws upon a range of ‘local’ sources not previously used, particularly with regard to the impact of the armies upon the local people in the Edgehill area.
  • Warner, 2002, British Battlefields
    Short summary of battle; basic plan of deployments against a background of simplified modern topography.
  • Young, Peter & Adair, John, 1979, From Hastings to Culloden: Battlefields in Britain, 130-145
    This is a good short account of the battle. First published in 1964, it was revised in 1979 and thus with the benefit of the research that underpinned Young 1976. Small scale plan with a less detailed troop deployment but otherwise broadly similar to Young 1976, against the natural topography with modern roads and other features.
  • Young, Peter, 1976, Edgehill, Kineton, Roundwood Press (reprinted in 1995 by Windrush Press)
    The only detailed study of the battle and still not outdated by later studies. It provides transcripts of almost all the significant contemporary accounts (the major exception is Clarendon), detailed information on the composition of the two armies, together with the most detailed discussion of the battle itself.


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