A Battlefield Walk

The battlefield itself is a small area and can only be visited on foot. There is parking, also with toilets, in Boroughbridge itself (signed from the town centre along Hall Square, off the High Street). There is also parking at the riverside picnic site accessible from the roundabout just north of the bridge. There are a number of pubs, shops and other facilities within the town.

It is less than half a mile drive from the centre of Boroughbridge to the monument at Aldborough. It stands at the first major road junction within the village on the road from Boroughbridge. Although it is possible to walk to the monument from Boroughbridge, and indeed also to the Devils Arrows, it is recommended that one drives to these locations, which are some distance from the battleield itself.


The recommended walk starts from the car park in the town. Walk down Hall Square and turn right along Fishergate. At the T junction, by the Crown Hotel, turn right to the bridge. A plaque to the battle is on the left hand side of the road on the wall facing you just as you approach the bridge. Although the A1 has long since bypassed the town, the road over the bridge is still quite busy. From the bridge there is a very good view of the ground on either side of the river and as far upstream as the weir. Cross the bridge to the picnic area on the upstream side. From there one gains an excellent view back towards the bridge, from the general area of Harcla's deployment defending the bridge.

Returning towards the bridge, on the left hand side, just before the bridge, is a fingerpost indicating the footpath leading along the north side of the river east towards Milby. This is a pleasant, quiet and very easy walk through pasture fields. With difficulty one can approach the river bank to get a good view of the bridge. Following the path eastward the navigation cut soon runs parallel to the path and river. At the lock one can gain a good view of the whole area surrounding the Roman river crossing, which is judged to be about 100 metres downstream of the lock. From the lock retrace your steps to the car park.

It is possible to continue along the riverside path the 3.5 miles to Myton battlefield, but this is not the recommended approach to that battlefield.


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