Recommended reading on the battle
If all that is required is a brief description from a battlefield guide then by far the best account is that by Burne. Howvere the best and most comprehensive account of the battle and battlefield is Chandler, 1999, which also places the battle very effectively within the wider context of the whole campaign of the Monmouth Rebellion. It is a well written and accessible account which also contains extensive transcripts of contemporary accounts of the battle and provides guidance for a campaign and battlefield tour.
The account by Earle is very eloquently written and a pleasure to read, but there are some points at which the narrative seems to depart from the story as we now understand it. Despite this it is still well worth reading and is particularly good if one also wants to explore the wider issues of the rebellion.
The troops and equipment of the Monmouth rebellion is discussed in detail in Tincey, Armies of the Sedgemoor campaign, Leigh-on-Sea, Partizan, 1985.
The rebellion has also attracted a range of authors to compile novels, plays and other literature linked to the events of the rebellion. They are not listed here but are reviewed by Chandler, 1995.