
Powick Old Bridge recent damage (Photo: The Battle of Worcester Society)

Further damage to Civil War associated Old Powick Bridge

10 June 2024

Following the collapse of one of the wing walls of Old Powick Bridge due to a build–up of debris following heavy rains over the winter, a hole has recently appeared in the carriageway of the bridge.

The bridge witnessed one of the first battles of the Civil War in September 1642 between a royalist force under Prince Rupert and elements of the earl of Essex’s parliamentarian army.

In April 2024, the Battle of Worcester Society and the Battlefields Trust raised their concerns about the progress being made to restore the bridge with Worcestershire County Council.

At that time the council said it was working with its contractor and other stakeholders to design a scheme of temporary works to stabilise the bridge.

Now, following the newly reported damage to the bridge, the council has said that, once agreed, it plans to install a temporary platform to allow repair work to commence.

Jon Fraser from the Council added: ‘we are extremely mindful of the significance of the bridge, and we are determined to treat the structure with the care and attention that such a key historic structure deserves’.

In a joint press statement, the Battle of Worcester Society and the Battlefields Trust said: ‘we are very concerned about the historic Powick bridge and the very recent hole that has appeared… like everyone in Worcester and elsewhere, we are keen to ensure progress and repair work happens as soon as possible’. 

The Society and the Trust continue to monitor the situation with the bridge and have sought further information from the council on when repair work is likely to commence.

The Battlefields Resource Centre