John Aston

Military Rank:

Common Soldier

First Name:


Last Name:


Memorial Type:

Memorial - Funerary

Does the monument still exist?


Installation Date:



" Near this place lie the Bodies of

I Sr Thomas Aston Bar* who by his second wife (Anne, Coheir of her Father, Sr Henry Wilughby, of Risley, in the County of Derby, Bar'., and sole heir of her mother, Elizabeth, the first Wife of the said Sr Henry, and one of the daughters and Coheirs of Henry Knolls of Stanford, in the County of Berks, Esquire, by Margaret, the only daughter and Heir of Sr Ambrose Cave) had issue, one son, Wilughby and two daughters, Magdalene, married to Robert, the eldest son of Sir Francis Burdett, of Formark, in the County of Derby, Bart., and Mary, married to Michael Bidulph, of Polesworth, in the County of Warwick, Esqr.
He was born on the 29th of Septr., 1600, and having distinguished himself both by his learning and courage in the defence of Church and State, dy'd in the service of his King on the 24th March 1645

II John, his Brother, who with great Prudence and Fidelity preserv'd the Estate and Evidences of his Family from being ruined by sequestration and plunder during his life, which ended on the 1st of April 1650, for whom this monument is erected by their Heir, Sir Wilughby Aston, Bart 1697."





Condition Description:


Memorial Notes:

Aston provides an account of his journey from Derbyshire to the North to join the Troop of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber and the First Bishops' War 1639, published in Surtees Society Vol CXVIII J.C. Hodgson (ed), Six North Country Diaries, (Durham: Andrews & Co, 1910).