John Dolben 1625-1686

Military Rank:


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Memorial Type:

Memorial - Funerary

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Installation Date:



Drake, Francis 1736 "Eboracum: Or, The History and Antiquities of the City of York, from Its Original to the Present Times. Together with the History of the Cathedral Church, and the Lives of the Archbishops of that See. Collected from Authentick Manuscripts, Publick Records, Ancient Chronicles, and Modern ..., Volume 1

Hic situs est
JOHANNES DOLBEN, filius GULEILMI S. Th. professoris,
Ex antiqua familia in CAMBRIA septentrional oriundus,
Natus STANVICI in agro NORTHAMPTONIENSI Martii 20, A.D. 1624.
Anno aetatis 12. Regiam sebolam WESTMONAST. Auspicato ingressus
Singulari istius loci genio plenus 15. Exivit,
In numerum alumnorum aedis CHRISTI OXON. Electus.
Exardente bello civili
Partes regias secutus est, in pugna MARSTONENSI vexillarius;
In defensione EBORACI graviter vulneratus,
Effuso sanguine consecravit locum,
Olim morti suae destinatum.
A.D. 1656, a rev. episcop. CICESTRENSI sacris ordinibus initiatus,
Instaurata monarchia factus est aedis CHRISTI Canonicus,
Episcopus postea ROFFENSIS,
Et post novennium regis elecmosynarius;
Anno Denique 1683, metropolitae EBORACENSIS honore cumulates est.
Hanc provinciam ingenti animo et pari industria administravit,
Gregi et pasteribus exemplo.
Intra 30 circiter menses, seculi laboribus exbaustis,
Coelo tandem matures,
Lethargia et variolis per quatriduum lecto affixus,
A.D. 1686, aet. 62, potentissimi principis Jacobi II. Altero, die dominico,
(Eodem die quo praecunte anno sacras synaxes.
In ecclesia sua cathedrali septimanatim celebrandas instituerat)
Coelo fruebatur.
Moestissima conjux magni GILBERTI Cantuar. archiep. neptis,
Ex qua tres liberos suscepit GILBERTUM, CATHARIN, et JOHAN.
Monumentum hoc posuit
Desideratissimo marite.
In aede CHRISTI sub illius auspiciis partim extructa,
BROMLEIENSI palation reparato, coenobia WESTMONAS. conservato;
In senatu et ecclesiis eloquentiae gloria, in dioecesibus suis
Episcopali diligentia;
In omnium piorum animis, justa veneration semper victure.

This is the site
JOHANNES DOLBEN, son of William St. Th. professor
Descended from an ancient family in northern Cambria,
Born in Stanwich in the Northampton area on March 20, A.D. 1624
At the age of 12. The royal sable of WESTMONAST. He entered with auspiciousness
15. He went out, full of genius for the singularity of that place.
In the number of pupils of the house of CHRISTI OXON. Chosen
In the midst of a civil war
He followed the royal troops, and was a standard-bearer in the battle of Marston (Moor);
He was severely wounded in the defense of Eboracus (York),
He consecrated the place with shed blood,
Once destined for his death.
TO. 1656, by Rev. bishop Initiated into the sacred orders of Cicester,
The monarchy established, he became a canon of the house of Christ,
later bishop of ROFENSE,
And after nine years the king's almsman;
Finally, in 1683, he was heaped with the honor of the metropolitan of EBORACENSIS.
He administered this province with great courage and equal energy.
An example of flocks and shepherds.
Within about 30 months, exhausted by the labors of a century,
Heaven is finally ripe
Bedridden for four days with lethargy and smallpox
TO. 1686, age 62, the most powerful prince James II. On the second Sunday
(On the same day as the sacred synaxes in the previous year.
(He had arranged to celebrate weekly in his cathedral church)
He enjoyed heaven.
The most dear wife of the great Gilbert of Canterbury. archiep. niece
By whom he had three children, GILBERT, CATHARINE, and JOHAN.
He set this record
The most desired husband.
In the house of Christ, partly built under his auspices,
After the restoration of the palace of Bromley, the convent of Westmont. preserved;
The glory of eloquence in the senate and churches, in their dioceses
Episcopal diligence;
In the hearts of all the pious, just veneration will always prevail.




Very Good

Condition Description:

Photographic evidence

Memorial Notes:

Fought as a royalist ensign at Marston Moor and York
Archbishop of York 1683-86

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2004