John Berkeley 1607 - 1678



Military Rank:


First Name:


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Memorial Type:

Memorial - Funerary

Does the monument still exist?


Installation Date:

post 1678


Under this marble
Lye the renowned afhes of the Right Honourable
the Ld JOHN BERKELEY, Baron of Straton, younger son
of Sir Maurice BERKELEY of Bruton in Somerfetfhire.
In the Civill wares,
In the dayes of Charles ye Ift (for his fignal valour and conduct
In recovering the city of Excester out of the hands of the rebels)
He was made Governer thereof & one of his Majefty's general in ye Weft.
Thofe unhappy warres ended
He ferved many campaynes in Flanders
Both in the French and Spanish armies
According as their alliances with England engaged him
After the happy Reftauration of Charles ye 2d,
He was made Privy Counfellour, Governour of Connaught
And, after ld Lieutent of Ireland fent twice extraordary Embaffor
Firft into France, 2ly to the Treaty of Nijmegen.
His other felicityes were crowned
By his happy marriage of Chriftina, daughter of Sr. ANDREW RICCARD
A young lady of a large Dowry and yet larger Graces and Virtues.
who alfo Enricht him with a moft hopefull progeny.
He deceafed
Aug ye 26, 1678, in ye 72 yeare of his Age.

Though fprung from Danish Kings* of brightest Fame,
Whofe Bloud and High Exploits Exalt their name,
Berkeley's own virtues moft his Tombe doe grace,
Adde glory To, not borrow, from his Race.”




Condition Description:

unknown condition

Memorial Notes:

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography