John Belasyse 1615-1689



Military Rank:


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Memorial Type:

Memorial - Funerary

Does the monument still exist?


Installation Date:



In the south porch are three tablets. The first, which is of marble, and was formerly affixed to a monument which stood on the north side of the chancel in the second church[663], reads as follows:—

This Monument was Erected in the Year of Our Lord 1736. by the Pious Direction of the Honourable/Dame BARBARA WEBB wife of Sr. JOHN WEBB of Canford Magna in the County of Dorset Bart. and the Honourable/CATHERINE TALBOT wife of the Honourable JOHN TALBOT of 137Longford in the County of Salop Esq. Surviveing/Daughters and Coheirs of the Right Honourable JOHN Lord BELASYSE Second Son of THOMAS Lord Viscount/FAUCONBERG, in memory of their most dear Father his wives and Children./

Who for his Loyalty Prudence and Courage was promoted to Several Commands of great Trust by their/Majesty’s King Charles the First and Second (Viz.) Having raised Six Regiments of Horse and Foot in the late Civil Wars/He commanded a Tertia in his Majesty’s Armies att the Battles of Edge Hill, Newbury, and Knaseby, ye Seiges of Reading/and Bristol. Afterwards being made Governour of York and Commander in Chief of all his Majesty’s Forces in/Yorkshire, He fought the Battle of Selby with the Lord Fairfax, then being Lieutenant General of ye Countys of Lincoln,/Nottingham, Darby, and Rutland, and Governour of Newark. He Valiantly defended that Garrison against the English/and Scotch Armies, till his Majesty Came in Person to the Scotch Quarters and Commanded the surrender of it./At which time he also had the honour of being General of the Kings Horse Guards. in all which Services dureing/the Wars and other Atchievements, he deported himself with eminent Courage & Conduct & received many wounds/Sustained Three Imprisonments in the Tower of London, and after the Happy Restauration of King CHARLES the second/He was made Lord Lieutenant of the East Rideing of the County of York, Governour of Hull, General of His Majesty’s/Forces in Africa, Governour of Tangier, Captain of his Majesty’s Guards of Gentlemen Pensioners, & First Lord/Commissioner of the Treasury to King JAMES the Second. He dyed the 10TH day of September 1689. whose remaines/are deposited in this Vault./

He married to his first wife JANE daughter and Sole Heiress of Sr. ROBERT BOTELER of Woodhall in the/County of Hertford, Knt. by whom he had Sr. HENRY BELASYSE Knt. of the most Honourable Order of the Bath/interr’d in this Vault, MARY Viscountess DUNBAR, and FRANCES both Deceased.

He married to his second Wife ANN Daughter and Coheir to Sr. ROBERT CRANE of Chilton in ye County/of Suffolk Bart. who also lyes interr’d here.

He married to his third Wife the Right Honourable the Lady ANN POWLET Second Daughter of the/Right Noble JOHN Marquiss of Winchester, sister to CHARLES late Duke of Bolton, and is here interr’d, the/Issue by that Marriage as above.





Condition Description:

Photographic evidence teken from

Memorial Notes:

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

David Plant, Biography of John Belasyse, 1st Baron Belsasyse of Worlaby, BCW Project

John Belasyse (Bellasis), 1st Baron Belasyse of Worlaby

by Robert White, after Sir Anthony van Dyck
line engraving, late 17th century
12 1/2 in. x 8 1/2 in. (316 mm x 217 mm) paper size
NPG D12225

Newman, P.R. 1980 The Defeat of John Belasyse: Civil War in Yorkshire, January – April 1644
The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, Vol. 52, 1980