Henry Clifford 1591-43



Military Rank:

Colonel (titular)

First Name:


Last Name:


Memorial Type:

Memorial - Funerary

Does the monument still exist?


Installation Date:

post 1664


Here lyeth in rest
ye body of ye Right Honble
The Lady Frances Cecil,
Countess of Cumberland,
Daughter of The Right Honble
Robert Earle of Salisbury [Lord]
High Treasurer of E[ngland & Knight of ye]
Most Noble Order of ye [Garrter, and]
Master of ye Court of Wards [and Liveries.]
She marryed ye Right Honble Henry [Lord]
Clifford, Bromfleet, Vetrepont & Vessey,
Earle of Cumberland, & Lord Leiutenant
of the County of Yorke under King Charles
ye First, the last Earle of that ancient
and most noble family of Clifford; by
whom ye said Lady had issue ye Right Honble
ye Lady Elizabeth Clifford (marryed to
ye Right Honble Richard Lord Boyle Baron
Clifford & Earle of Burlington in England
Earle of Corke & Lord High Treasurer of
Ireland; also three sons (vizt) Francis,
Charles, Henry, & one daughter more the
Lady Frances Clifford, who all dyed
young. This noble Lady, being of ye
age of 49 years & jj moneths,
departed this mortall life
here at Yorke on ye 4 Day
of February in ye year
of our Lord 1643[/4].

From: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/102835696/frances-clifford





Condition Description:

Photographic evidence

Memorial Notes:

Mentioned on memorial to his wife.

Henry Clifford, 5th Earl of Cumberland (from 1641) (1591-1643). Second son and heir of Francis Clifford, 4th Earl of Cumberland. See: Spence, R.T. Lord Clifford and the First Bishops’ War, 1639, in Northern History, Volume 31, 1995 - Issue 1, pp.138-156.

The original Royalist commander in Yorkshire. Capable administrator, but not a soldier and passed over military command to the Earl of Newcastle when he arrived with his northern army in York on 6 December 1642. Died of Fever in York, December 1643. Buried in Holy Trinity Churchyard, Skipton, North Yorkshire, with no memorial. Mentioned on his wife’s memorial who was buried Mar. 13, 1644. The countess's table-style tomb was nearly destroyed in the fire of 1829, according to https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/102835696/frances-clifford

For portrait of Clifford in Chiswick House, London W4, see: https://artuk.org/discover/artworks/henry-clifford-15921643-5th-earl-of-cumberland-178889 & Pound, Ricky 2018 A Shrine to the Stuart Dynasty’: Lord Burlington and Jacobite Symbolism at Chiswick House, Royal Stuart Journal.