Sir Alexander Davison, 1564 - 1644



Military Rank:

not known

First Name:


Last Name:


Memorial Type:

Memorial - Funerary

Does the monument still exist?


Installation Date:




"P.M. Alexandri Davison Equitis Aurati, et Annæ filiæ Radulphi Cocke ejus conjugis charissimæ ex qua filios quinq: Thomam Equitem Auratum, Radvlphvm Davison de Thornley; Samvelem Davison de Wingate Grange, Josephvm Centurionem cordatum (in hujus oppidi contra Scotos Rebelles propugnatione strenui ad mortem usque dimicantem heic juxtini tumulatem) Edwardvm mercatorem cælibem defunctum; Filias etiam binas, Barbaren primo Radulpho Calverley, deinde ThomeÆ Riddell de Fenham in com: northumbriæ equ: aurat: ac Margaretam Henrio Lambton armig: enuptas sucitauit. Qvi quidem Alexander, grassante tune, conjuratione perfidisima, optimo Regi causæq: regia semper Fidelissimus, gravam rej familiaris jacturam maximo animo perpessus, tandemq: in hujus Novi Castri oppidi obsidione cum Scotorum Rebellium exercitu irruenti magnanimiter confligens, Novisimum Spiritum (octogenarious fere), fortiter effudit XI° Die Mensis Novembris Anno ab jncarnatione Domini MDCXLIIII° hoc posuit Monumentum Thomas primogenitus Eques Auratus."

"P.M. Alexander Davison of the Golden Knight, and Anne, the daughter of Ralph Cocke, his beloved spouse, from whom he had five children: Thomas the Golden Knight, Radvlph Davison of Thornley; Samvel Davison of Wingate Grange, Joseph the Centurion of Hearts (in the defense of this town against the Scots Rebels I strove to the death Edward, a merchant deceased, married two daughters, first to Ralph Calverley, then to Thomas Riddell of Fenham in the county of Northumberland, and married Margaret to Henry Lambton , in the best cause of the King: always the most faithful royal, enduring with the greatest heart the grievous loss of the royal family, at last: in the siege of the town of this New Castle, fighting magnanimously with the rushing army of the Scots Rebels, he bravely poured forth his Newest Spirit (almost octogenarian), on the 11th Day of the Month of November, in the Year of his Incarnation In the 1843rd Lord, this monument was placed by Thomas, the first-born Knight, the Golden Knight.





Condition Description:

Photographic evidence

Memorial Notes:


"...42 of the gentry of the county of Durham were charged with the equipment of light horse for his service. Amongst these were John Buck of Sadberge; Francis Forster of Darlington; and Alex Davison of Blakiston; the latter of whom was knighted in 1639 and lost his life during the siege of Newcastle, November 11, 1644 at the age of 80..."
The Local Records of Stockton and the Neighbourhood Thomas Richmond: 1868