Sir Timothy Fetherstonhaugh d.1651



Military Rank:


First Name:


Last Name:


Memorial Type:

Memorial - Funerary

Does the monument still exist?


Installation Date:

post 1695


Also mentioned on memorial to Jane Fetherstonhaugh Hasell 1629-1695
in St Andrew's Churchyard, Dacre, Eden District, Cumbria, England (See Find a Grave: MEMORIAL ID 182399473

"Here lies the body of Mrs Jane Hasell, eldest daughter of Sir Timothy Fetherstonhaugh of Kirkoswald Kt who was beheaded for his loyalty to King Charles".





Condition Description:

Based on photographic evidence

Memorial Notes:

For Fetherstonhaugh's main monument see other BCW Memorials entry for St. Oswald's Church, Kirkoswald, Cumbria (see:

M.S. Timothei Fetherstonhaugh de Kirk-Oswald equitis vexillarii, ab antiqua de T. H. in agro Northumb. stirpe oriundi; quantum pro publicis afflictae patriae vindiciis (grassante tunc conspiratione, perfidissima) et molitus et perpessus, oculos huc adverte, lege, lege. Causam Regis et ecclesiae Ang. extremo capitis fortunarumq periculo perpetim asseruit, aureos 300 in regium subsidium ultro erogavit; cohortem militarem suis ipsius sumptibus conscripsit. Filium Henricum primogenitum equestri dignitate sub vexillis regiis insignitum in perduelles ad mortem usq dimicantem; res familiares misere tabefactas, se suaque per omnia aspera jactata, aspexit, et invicta animi magnitudine sustinuit. Tandem, hostium in manus inauspicato incidit, in vincula conjectus est, & in civitate Cestriae immaniter decollatus, 22 die Octob. A.D. 1651.
“In desideratissimi avi memoriam, hoc monumentum extrui, in extremis mandatis dedit Ths. F. nepos meritissimus qui ob. 3 die Oct. 1747.”

As recorded in

Google translation:
M.S. Timothy Fetherstonhaugh of Kirk-Oswald, standard knight, from the ancient of T. H. in the field of Northumb. of descent; as for the public vengeance of the afflicted country (a most perfidious conspiracy then rampant) and labored and persevered, turn your eyes hither, read, read. The cause of the King and the church Ang. at the extreme risk of capital fortunes, he asserted that he was constantly in danger, and spent 300 gold pieces for the royal support; he recruited a military band at his own expense. Henry's son, the eldest son, was distinguished by the rank of knight under the royal banner, fighting in treachery until the death; He looked upon his family affairs miserably lost, himself and his own thrown through all roughness, and he endured with invincible greatness of spirit. At last, falling into the hands of the enemy unhappily, he was thrown into chains, and brutally beheaded in the city of Chester, on the 22nd of October. TO. 1651
"In the memory of my dearest grandfather, I built this monument, in his last instructions he gave Ths. F. the most meritorious nephew who ob. Oct. 3 1747.”