Colonel Sir Andrew Kniveton 1618-1669



Military Rank:


First Name:


Last Name:


Memorial Type:

Memorial - Funerary

Does the monument still exist?


Installation Date:

post 1865


On memorial to Christopher Harland, last descendant of the Knivetons to reside in the neighbourhood.
Two brasses on the front edge of the tomb record that:
1.Christopher Harland, Died April 13, 1839. Aged 80.
The Memory of the Just is Blessed.

2.Mary his Wife, Died May 5, 1865. Aged 82.
Her children Arise up and Call her Blessed.
Inside the memorial are two other inscriptions which, on account of their position are difficult to read:
1.On the flat stone: “Erected in Loving Remembrance of Chrisr. Harland and Mary his wife. By their six surviving and grateful children, Charles, Edward, John Thomas, Maryh Elizth. Wife of Thos. Entwhistle, Esqr. Anna Maria Widow of Jonth. Hargreaves, Esqur. Fanny wife of Sr. Geo. Gervis, Bart. Agnes Emma Douglas and Henry died before.”
2.On the two panels on the R. and L. of the tomb (reading from left to right): “Through his mother the last of her race collaterally sprung from that ancient family. The said Chrisr. Harland was the nearest known representative of the Knyvetons of Knyveton, Bradley and Mercaston, of whom Sir Henry A.D. 1295 was the first recorded Kt. Of this shire. Henry Knyvetone Rector of Norbury founded a Chantry in this Church A.D. 1392 Sr. Andre Bart. A.D. 1642 Raised a great Force for K. Charles I. and in defence of the Royal Cause lost all the Patrimony of the family.”

Recorded in: Sadler, Ernest A. 1934 A Guide to Ashburne (St. Oswald’s) Parish Church, Derbysire, Together with Historical and Architectural Notes and a List of Vicars since the Year 1200. Ashbourne, J.H. Henstock & Son, pp.38-39.





Condition Description:

Inspected 10.1.2023 by PP.

Memorial Notes:

For information on Colonel Sir Andrew Kniveton see:
Bennett, Martyn 2021 In the Midst of the Kingdom: The Royalist War Effort in the North Midlands 1642-1646, Warwick, Helion & Company Limited
Slack, Ron 1997 Man at War: John Gell in his troubled time. Chesterfield
Stone, Brian 1992 Derbyshire in the Civil War. Cromford, Scarthin Books.