Wolseley, Sir Robert 1587 - 1646



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Memorial Type:

Memorial - Funerary

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Hie dormit
(Non enim moritur qui mortem expectat, nec timet)
Dr. Robertus Wolseley, Baronettus; qui fere fexagenarius;
injurijs temporum (inter quas haec non minima, tuto non posse fatis laudari: haec autem maxima, quiete non posse in fepulchro jacere) febri fuccubuit
Uxorem duxit Mariam Dni, Georgij Wroughton de Wilcot in com. Wilts Eq.
Aurati filiam ex qua 12 fufcepit liberos: Quorum 9 Fuperstites reliquit; duos prope fui fepultos vidit: unicus in Argo Southamptonienfi abortus eft.
Londini cecidit, hic nactus fepulturam eft unus rauinae non capax tantae locus
PObijt XXI Septembris
Anno {Salutis 1646
AEtatis 59

Here sleeps
(for he dies not who awaits death with fear)
Sir Robert Wolseley, Baronet
who when nearly 60 years of age fell victim to a fever and to the miseries of the times which this is the least that he cannot safely be worthily praised, but this the greatest not to be able to rest in peace in the grave
He married Mary, daughter of Sir George Wroughton to Wilcot in the County of Wiltshire, Knight, by whom he had twelve children, nine of them he left surviving. Two he saw buried near this place, one was stillborn in the County of Hampshire. He died in London and is buried here. One place was too little to contain so great a calamity. He departed this life September 21st 1646; aged 59

Hie dormit
(Non enim moritur qui mortem expectat, nec timet)
Dr. Robertus Wolseley, Baronettus; qui fere fexagenarius;
injurijs temporum (inter quas haec non minima, tuto non posse fatis laudari: haec autem maxima, quiete non posse in fepulchro jacere) febri fuccubuit
Uxorem duxit Mariam Dni, Georgij Wroughton de Wilcot in com. Wilts Eq.
Aurati filiam ex qua 12 fufcepit liberos: Quorum 9 Fuperstites reliquit; duos prope fui fepultos vidit: unicus in Argo Southamptonienfi abortus eft.
Londini cecidit, hic nactus fepulturam eft unus rauinae non capax tantae locus
PObijt XXI Septembris
Anno {Salutis 1646
AEtatis 59

Here sleeps
(for he dies not who awaits death with fear)
Sir Robert Wolseley, Baronet
who when nearly 60 years of age fell victim to a fever and to the miseries of the times which this is the least that he cannot safely be worthily praised, but this the greatest not to be able to rest in peace in the grave
He married Mary, daughter of Sir George Wroughton to Wilcot in the County of Wiltshire, Knight, by whom he had twelve children, nine of them he left surviving. Two he saw buried near this place, one was stillborn in the County of Hampshire. He died in London and is buried here. One place was too little to contain so great a calamity. He departed this life September 21st 1646; aged 59





Condition Description:

From photographic evidence

Memorial Notes:

Find a Grave MEMORIAL ID: 148710605

Sir Robert Wolseley was Clerk of letters patents to Charles I and was created the 1st baron in 1628. he fought for him during the Civil War and had his estates confiscated. (see https://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1660-1690/member/wolseley-sir-charles-1630-1714)

Died 21 Sep 1646 (aged 58–59), London, City of London, Greater London
(See: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/148710605/robert-wolseley)