The statue of John Hampden in the Aylesbury Market Square

Military Rank:


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Memorial Type:

Monument - Statue

Does the monument still exist?


Installation Date:



JOHN HAMPDEN born 1594. died 1643.

Member of Parliament for Wendover 1625-1629. For Bucks 1640-1643.

He took part in the battle of Aylesbury 1st November 1642 and was mortally wounded on Chalgrove Field 18th June 1643. He died at the Greyhound Inn at Thame 24th June, and was laid to rest in Great Hampden Church 25th June 1643. "Mr John Hambden was one that Friends and Enemies acknowledged to be most Eminent, for Prudence, Piety, and Peaceable Counsels, having the most universeal Praise of any Gentleman that I remember of that Age." Richard Baxter, 1615-1691.

"Against my King I do not fight But for my King and Kingdom's right."

Inscription on Hampden Jewel

In commemoration of the coronation of their majesties King George V, & Queen Mary 22nd June 1911. This statue was presented to the County of Buckingham by James Griffin of Folly Farm, the representative of an old Bucks family

This Foundation Stone was laid by the donor Mr. James Griffin On the Coronation Day of King George & Queen Mary June 22nd 1911

This fine statue with its pedestal and steps was moved to this position of prominence from its original location at the top of the Market Square February/April 1988.





Condition Description:

It is looked after by the local authority

Memorial Notes:

The foundation stone of the pedestal was laid in 1911 but the statue itself was unveiled by Lord Rothschild in on 23rd June 1912. The sculptor was Henry Charles Fehr (FRBS) - 1867 -1940. The original maquette for the statue is on display in the National Liberal Club. The statue will be moved within the Market Square in the near future as part of a refurbishment of Aylesbury town centre.