
Battle of Fornham 1173

Tuesday 25th March 2025

Venue: All-Saints Hotel, Bury Saint Edmunds IP28 6JQ

Start at 1100. Congregate in the Hotel Reception. There is free car parking on site.

The two new Information Boards will be formally “launched”; there will be a few on-site speeches followed by coffee in the Portrait Room in the hotel.  Dr. Michael Walker author of the recently published “A Hard and Grievous Battle – The Siege of Haughley Castle and the Battle of Fornham 1173” will give a short presentation of the battle. Depending on the weather there will be a walk of the battle site.

In order to give us an idea on numbers for catering, please email Ian Wilson, Suffolk County Coordinator, on

The event is free to Members.

The indoor part of the event and the refreshments are accessible for wheelchairs; however, the outside paths are likely to be potentially wet and less accessible.


For further information.

The Battlefields Resource Centre