
Framlingham castle at sunset - Happy Bean Photography used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Framlingham Castle Visit

Saturday 29th June 2024

A group tour of the castle led by an English Heritage Guide. Meet 11:00 at the entrance to the castle.

An early motte and bailey or ringwork Norman castle was built on the Framlingham site by 1148, but this was destroyed by Henry II in the aftermath of the Revolt of 1173–1174 - very much part of our story of the Battle of Fornham.

Allow at least 2 hours. Free Audio Guides are available from the shop. There is an exhibition and shop which both have level access. The accessible toilet is in the car park. Drop off near to the entrance can be arranged for disabled visitors but needs to be arranged in advance.  All the ground floor areas within the castle walls are level surfaces but gravel and grass.

There is a wide staircase up to the first floor and steep spiral stairs to the wall walk.  There is a platform lift which can take visitors to the first-floor exhibition, but for fire evacuation purposes we only allow two mobility impaired visitors on the first floor at any time. Access to the wall walk is not accessible for those in a wheelchair.

English Heritage Charge to Non-Members – varies but £13 maximum for an adult. No charge for English Heritage Members.

Pay and Display Car Parking available – some at the castle; mostly in the town [300 metres]

To book a place and get fuller details, please email Robert Simmons - East Anglia Regional Coordinator using the contact details below. 


For further information.

The Battlefields Resource Centre