
Battlefields Trust Online Lecture: The Battle of Ripple Field, 1643

Tuesday 2nd July 2024

The battle of Ripple Field is one of the smaller and more enigmatic of Worcestershire's battlefields. In his talk tonight Gregg Archer will be discussing the campaign and smaller engagements leading up to the battle followed by the battle itself, the protagonists and the aftermath of this battle in the 17th Century British Civil Wars.

Gregg Archer is a Trustee of the Battlefields Trust and co-chair of its Mercia Region. When not working his day job in the hospitality industry he is researching the smaller and lesser known engagements of the Civil Wars of the 17th Century. He is the Author of 'The Battle of Middleton Cheney; 6th May 1643' published by the Northamptonshire Battlefields Society and his research on the 1645 battle of Radcot Bridge was previously published in Volume 1 of the Battlefields Trust Journal 'Battalia'.



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