
The Battle of Brunanburh: new light on an old mystery

Saturday 6th April 2024

In 937 a huge invasion of  England by Vikings and North Britons was defeated by the English king Athelstan at a place called Brunanburh.

A generation later, the chronicler Æthelweard says the battle was popularly known  as ‘the Great Battle,’ or even ‘the Great War’.

But the site is still unidentified - the most famous lost battlefield of British history. Over the last forty years a consensus has grown that Brunanburh should be located on the Wirral.  In this illustrated lecture Michael Wood will offer a fresh review of the evidence from texts, coins and place names.

Michael Wood is the author  of over 120 documentary films and many  books  including  the number one best sellers  Domesday and  In Search of the Dark Ages which has recently been published  in a new expanded edition.  He working on a biography of King Athelstan.    

Michael is Professor of Public History at the University of Manchester, and is recipient of the British Academy President’s Medal for services to History and outreach.

Note: this is part of the 2024 Battlefields Trust AGM and Conference taking place in York 5-7 April 2024. 


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