
Battlefields Trust online lecture: Warhorse: A medieval revolution?

Monday 3rd July 2023

This lecture will present an overview of a recent research project on the archaeology of warhorses horses in medieval England, AD800-1600 ( The work has analysed a diverse range of evidence including the physical remains of horses (‘zooarchaeological’ materials: bones and teeth, including small samples taken from them for various scientific analyses); equestrian material culture (portable items of apparel such as harness pendants, and horse armour); horse breeding landscapes (studs and stables); visual depictions of horses in medieval sculpture and art; and historical documents relating to horse breeding and training. The overarching aims of the work were not only to create a new and more rounded understanding of the medieval warhorse, and horses generally, but also to unpick its complex, fascinating and ever-evolving interrelationship with medieval society through the centuries.

Oliver Creighton is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Exeter. Prof. Creighton's research and publications focus primarily on the archaeology of medieval Britain and Europe. His work has a strong interdisciplinary dimension and he has a particular interest in medieval elite culture, buildings and landscapes. He has published widely on medieval castles and their wider social and landscape contexts, as well as other fortifications, including town and city walls. Oliver is also interested in the archaeology and history of designed landscapes, towns and townscapes, and in conflict archaeology and medieval warfare.

8pm start. Members will receive a Mailchimp with details on how to register.



For further information.

The Battlefields Resource Centre