
Battlefields Trust Autumn online lecture series

Monday 20th September to Wednesday 15th December 2021

Dates for your diary: our Autumn programme of free zoom lectures for members. These will take place at 8.00pm and members will receive an email invitation to register approximately a week before each talk.

A hyperlink to information about each talk will be added below once it becomes available. 



Monday 20th September: Commander Tim Stoneman: General at Sea Blake, The Commonwealth Navy & the siege of St Mary's 1651

Wednesday 13th October: Julian Humphrys: The Cornish Rebellion of 1497

Tuesday 19th October: Alan Turton: The Mary Rose.

Tuesday 2nd November: Philip Hume: A Mortimer! A Mortimer! The Mortimers and Battle 

Tuesday 16th November: Prof. Dawn Hadley & Prof. Julian Richards: The Viking Great Army AD865-878

Thursday 2nd December: Dr David Kenyon: Bletchley Park & D-Day 1944

Wednesday 15th December: Prof Will Bowden: The Boudican Rebellion: Fact, Fiction and Archaeology



For further information.

The Battlefields Resource Centre