WotR Memorial Database Partners
Mortimer History Society
The Society for everyone interested in the medieval Mortimers and the history of the Welsh Marches. Further details are available at www.mortimerhistorysociety.org.uk.
Northamptonshire Battlefields Society
Northamptonshire Battlefields Society was founded in 2014 to fight the development on the 1460 battlefield in the grounds of Delapre Abbey. Since then, it has broadened its remit to cover all of the county’s battlefields and military history. It has published books on both of the Wars of the Roses battles fought in the county, Northampton in 1460 and Edgcote in 1469. It conducts annual commemorations of both of these battles and leads guided walks around the battlefields. It undertakes a monthly programme of talks to improve understanding of the related wars and battles and relevant general historical background. More information can be found at https://northantsbattles.com/
Richard III Society
The Society aims to secure a more balanced assessment of King Richard III and to support research into his life and times. Further details are available at https://richardiii.net/
Tewkesbury Battlefield Society
The Tewkesbury Battlefield Society is a group of interested people who want to preserve, promote, research, and interpret the history, archaeology and natural history of the battle and associated sites for the present and future generations. It aims to work collaboratively with landowners, public bodies and other charities to achieve these aims, whilst encourage tourism and become the authority on the battle and battle site. Further details are available at https://www.tewkesbury.org.uk
Yorkist History Trust
The Yorkist History Trust aims to further education, learning and research related to the history of late medieval England (and in particular the life and reign of King Richard III) and to disseminate the results of such education, learning, and research. Further details are available at https://yorkisthistorytrust.org/