
Visit and Tour - National Trust Orford Ness

Saturday 19th July 2025

Quay Street, Orford, Suffolk, IP12 2NU

A chance to visit this important coastal nature reserve, with a fascinating 20th-century military history.

Trip includes a trailer tour, ferry crossings, entry to the site, a knowledgeable guide and the trailer driver.

Costs for a trailer tour (maximum 24) are £25 for NT members and £34.50 for non-members

There are toilets on the island. The trip is not suitable for wheelchair access.

Note: the start time is 0930 to catch the scheduled ferry.

There is a [non-National Trust] car park on Orford Quay. Pay and display cash or card. £4 for eight hours. Public toilets.

As this is both a fairly expensive trip for non-NT members and it has a frighteningly early start, if you are interested, please email

Ian Wilson - Suffolk County Coordinator:

with an early expression of your interest.


For further information.

The Battlefields Resource Centre