
Civil war on Teeside Conference

Saturday 11th July 2015

This is a one day conference organised by the Battlefields Trust, Dorman Museum and Tees Archaeology as part of the HLF funded River Tees Rediscovered Landscape Partnership Project.  The conference takes place at the Dorman Musuem Linthorpe Road, Middlesborough, TS5 6LA.


The conference will introduce participants to the impact on the area of the English Civil War and will offer the opportunity for volunteers to get involved in a project to find out more about the period in the area.


10.00 am Arrive (Tea & Coffee)


10.15 Introduction (R Daniels, Tees Archaeology)


10.30 The Battlefields Trust (G Carter, Battlefields Trust)


10.45 Battlefield Archaeology of the English Civil War (R Leese, Huddersfield University)


11.30 ECW in the North – East Overview (P Philo, Dorman Museum)


12:15 Lunch


13:00 Costume and Equipment of the ECW (G Carter)


13:45 Battle of Yarm Bridge(P Philo, Dorman Museum)


14:30 17th Century locations on Teesside (R Daniels, Tees Archaeology)


15.15 What next? (Panel Discussion)


15.30 Close


Please note that lunch will not be provided, there is a cafe in the museum and shops nearby. Alternatively you may eat sandwiches on the premises.

The Conference is free, but numbers are limited.  If you would like to book a place please provide your name, email address and telephone number to Robin Daniels at the contact details below.


For further information.

The Battlefields Resource Centre