
The Battlefields Trust AGM and Conference

Friday 4th – Sunday 6th April 2014

Friday 4th – Sunday 6th April 2014

A joint conference between the Battlefields Trust and the Royal Armouries (Bury Theatre, Royal Armouries, Armouries Drive, Leeds, LS10 1LT) is to be held on Saturday 5th April 2014 on the best practice of battlefield conservation. To be followed by the Battlefields Trust’s Annual General Meeting at 4pm. Entry to the Royal Armouries is from 10am and to the AGM itself is free. Tickets to the conference, dinner and battlefield tours will be published separately.


Saturday Evening. Battlefields Trust Dinner and awards.


On Sunday 6 April there will a tour of local battlefields. Please see the link below for a programme and booking form


For further information.

The Battlefields Resource Centre